What to do after a car accident?

Getting into an auto accident can be one of the scariest things that can happen to a person. It’s extremely important to be prepared for when an accident occurs. Follow these tips to help you stay calm and focused after a car accident:

Stay calm

The worst thing you can do is get into an argument with the other driver. It is important to be able to remain calm so you are able to comprehend the situation.

Check yourself for injuries

Before you get out of the car, check yourself for any visible injuries. If you are seriously injured, try not to move. Call 911 and wait for emergency personnel to help you out of the car.

Check on other people to see if they are injured

If you are uninjured, check on the other people involved in the accident. If someone is injured, call 911 to get an ambulance and police to the scene to help care for those who are injured.

Get to safety

If your car is safe to drive and is causing a hazard, pull it off to the side of the road. If your car is not safe to drive, if possible leave the car where it is and get yourself out of the way of traffic and onto the side of the road or sidewalk.

Call the Police

Even if the accident was minor, contacting the police to report the accident can be extremely helpful. The police officer can help determine who is at fault. Having an official report completed can be very helpful when you file a claim with your insurance.

Document the accident

The more information you have about the accident, the better:

  • Record the names of any officers on the scene.
  • Record the names of drivers and all passengers (contact information and insurance information).
  • Take pictures of the damage on all the vehicles involved. Capturing video is also great.
  • Ask bystanders to provide a witness statement.
  • Record the location and time of the accident.
  • Obtain a copy of the accident report.

Contact your insurance company

Call your insurance company to start the claim process. When talking to your insurance agent, they can offer further guidance as to what you need to do after an auto accident.

Take care of yourself

If you appear uninjured right after an accident, you may still have sustained a soft-tissue injury. After an accident, your adrenaline is intensified and can mask any pain you may feel.

What not to do after a car accident:

Don’t leave

One of the worst things you can do is leave the scene of an accident. Even if you aren’t injured or if your car sustained no damage, you should always check on the other people involved in the accident, exchange information, and report it to the police.

Don’t assume your injuries are minor

After being in an auto accident, your body gets filled with adrenaline and can mask the pain from injuries. You should always seek medical attention preferably within 72 hours after an auto accident to know the full extent of your injuries. Insurance plans have the option to add personal injury protection coverage in order to cover the medical bills from your injuries after an accident.

Never admit Fault

It’s not up to you to claim blame. That’s the police and your insurance company’s responsibility to decide. There could be circumstances you are unaware of that happened at the time of the accident.

How else BackFit can help:

Our medical professionals at all of our BackFit clinics have decades of combined experience treating people after a car accident, including whiplash injuries. Whiplash is one of the many soft-tissue injuries that you could sustain from a car accident. We can treat whiplash and other soft-tissue injuries to reduce pain and restore normal range of motion with gentle chiropractic, physical therapy, and medical intervention (as necessary).

No matter what range of injuries that you gained from your accident, we can help you recover in order for you to return back to everyday life as quickly as possible. All of our clinics reserve same-day appointments for emergencies, such as getting into a car accident.

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