5 Ways to Love Your Back This Valentine’s Day

Don’t let chronic pain in your upper or lower back kill the romance on your Valentine’s Day this year.

If back pain affects your everyday life, you’re not alone. At any given time, 31 million American experience low back pain, according to the American Chiropractic Association, and 80 percent of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives.

The back is a complex structure of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, and any added strain can have painful results.

The location of that pain can say a lot about what caused it and how you can prevent it.

Upper Back Pain

The muscles in the upper back are large and more prone to becoming irritated, so it makes sense that upper back pain is often caused by an injury that has resulted in muscular irritation or joint dysfunction. The pain can range from excruciating to a general discomfort. Some common causes are: poor posture, improper lifting technique, overuse, or an accident. It can also be caused by a combination of those. Less common but serious causes include compression fractures, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is the more common type of back pain. The low back supports the weight of the upper body, and pain can often be caused by added pressure to the nerves. Some common causes include herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet joint dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and spinal stenosis.

If you have chronic back pain, your first step is to see a specialist and get treated. But there are tactics we can all use to gradually get our back feeling better one day at a time, according to WebMD:

  1. Maintain a healthy diet and weight: This doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in a little chocolate on Valentine’s Day, but a healthier diet can control back pain, helping you lose weight and put less strain on your lower back.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes: If you wear high heels once in a while, like for a Valentine’s date, that’s OK, but always bring low-heeled shoes to slip into if you become uncomfortable.
  3. Practice good posture and avoid sitting down for extended periods: Keep your back straight and try keeping your knees a bit higher than your hips while seated.
  4. Daily stretching routines and exercise: Regular physical activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension.
  5. Book a massage: A good massage will help increase endorphins- the body’s natural painkiller- in your bloodstream, which in turn may allow you cut back on pain medications. Massage can also encourage blood flow, which in turn brings healing nutrients to the affected area and can speed healing.

Are You Ready to Talk to Someone About Your Back Pain?

The team at BackFit Health + Spine are experts and are here to help you feel better and have a more enjoyable and pain-free life.  

Call us today at 877-BACKFIT or schedule a consult.

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