What Are the Most Common Signs of Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are common in both spring and fall. Budding trees and fresh blooming flowers are often signals to stock up on tissues, over the counter remedies, and eye drops. If you find yourself looking for the first signs of seasonal allergies, you might want to learn about what allergens are out there and what you can do to reduce the severity of your symptoms.

What Are The Most Common Seasonal Allergens?

While molds, dust, and pet dander are prevalent throughout the year, seasonal allergies only occur during times of the year when plants, bushes, and trees pollinate. Most plants and trees produce pollen in order to reproduce. Pollen counts often rise at night, that’s why many people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during pollen season. When the pollen from trees and flowering plants combine with the other types of allergens found in your home, the severity of your symptoms can escalate making it difficult to breathe or sleep.

What Are The Most Common Signs Of Seasonal Allergies?

The most common signs of seasonal allergies include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching, irritated eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sinus headaches
  • Sore throat

You may have one or two symptoms, while others have them all. This will depend on what antibodies your body has created. When allergens enter your nose, mouth or eyes, histamine is released by the body to help flush them back out. Your nose begins to run and your eyes will water until the allergens are gone.

If you are highly allergic, your symptoms will be more severe than for someone who is only mildly sensitive. Either way, it can affect your quality of life, disrupting your sleep and causing you to feel tired and run down.

What Is The Best Way To Treat Seasonal Allergies?

Grocery and drug store counters are full of over the counter remedies. Some take care of one or two seasonal allergy symptoms, while others take care of wide range of them. Most have side effects, like drowsiness or possible dizziness. Some medications must be taken at least two or three times a day for you to continue to be symptom-free. With so many formulations available, it can be hard to choose the one that’s right for your particular symptoms.

There are many natural remedies that can be used to effectively treat many of your allergy symptoms. Chamomile tea can be used to soothe a sore throat while using raw honey from local beekeepers can help your body build the antibodies it needs to reduce your allergy symptoms.

If you suffer relentlessly from seasonal allergy symptoms, pay a visit to Backfit Health + Spine. We can provide you with healthy treatment options that won’t be accompanied by nasty side effects. To effectively combat seasonal allergy symptoms, you need to bring your body into a more natural balance. Eat healthy, live healthy and exercise often are simple concepts that will help you reduce your symptoms and regain the quality of life you desire.

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