Work Injury

Appointment Inquiries
Call us at: (877) 222-5348
Harm, damage, or impairment sustained while working.
Root Causes
"Pins and Needles", Back Pain, Bulging + Herniated Discs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Wrist Pain, Foot Pain, Hand Pain, Hip Pain, Joint Pain, Knee Pain, Numbness + Tingling, Sciatica, Stiffness
Risk Factors
Constant Vibrations, Excessive Strain, Frequent or Heavy Lifting, High Heels, Prolonged Bad or Awkward Posture, Pushing-- Pulling-- or carrying heavy objects
Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Trigger Point Injections
What is a work injury?
Simply stated, a work injury is any harm, damage, or impairment sustained while on the job. More specifically, it is any event or exposure while working that causes or contributes to injury or significantly aggravates a pre-existing condition.
While some job industries have a higher risk of getting injured on the job, such as construction, transportation, warehousing, and government work, any worker can sustain a work injury. It is also not uncommon for retail, hospitality, medical, and administrative workers, as well as educators and other desk workers to receive treatment for work injury.
Every job has a risk of injury. Work injuries are most commonly caused by:
- Constant vibrations
- Frequent or heavy lifting
- Impact or force injuries
- Prolonged bad or awkward posture
- Pushing, pulling, or carrying heavy objects
- Repetitive stress injury and overexertion
As you can see, workplace accidents are not always from falls. Overexertion, slips without falling, and collisions are also very common, as well as work vehicle accidents.
The best practice for job-related injuries is preventing them before they happen, such as by using proper lifting techniques, ergonomic posture, using braces, using tools appropriately or asking for help, reducing repetitive motion and vibration, and moving slowly and safely.
But if you’ve sustained an injury from work, we are committed to helping you recover and help prevent further injury in the future.
What is worker’s compensation?
Worker’s compensation law (previously known as workman’s comp) is an insurance that employers are required to have in almost all states and industries. Worker’s comp benefits include both wage replacement and medical benefits to employees that are injured in the course of employment.
Your employer’s plan may vary, however, BackFit Health + Spine accepts all forms of worker’s compensation. Whether you’ve filed a worker’s compensation claim or not, feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have about worker’s compensation and injury on the job.
What type of work injuries does BackFit treat?
Our medical professionals are well versed in helping you recover from any injury you may have received while on the job.
Here is a list of the most common types of injuries BackFit treats for work injury:
- Ankle & Knee Pain, Sprains & Strains
- Back Spasms
- Bulging & Herniated Discs
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Hip Pain
- Lower Back Overextension
- Mid Back Overextension
- Neck Pain
- Numbness or Tingling
- “Pins and Needles
- Sciatica
- Shoulder Pain
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Stiffness
Our medical team will provide you with a treatment plan custom for you to get you back to your life as quickly and safely as possible. If you consider yourself an injured worker or you are experiencing any pain from your job, whether you do manual labor or desk work or something else, we can help.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about any work or other personal injury.
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